Post-Doc Position (m/f/d) in Astronomical Instrumentation
The Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (TLS), located near the university town of Jena in Germany, conducts research in a wide variety of fields, ranging from studies of the Sun and extrasolar planets to clusters of galaxies.
The offered position is in the context of high-precision astronomical spectroscopy. In acollaboration between TLS and the Fraunhofer Institute for applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) in Jena, TLS is developing a compact telescope interface module based on adaptive optics (AO) to inject light of celestial objects into a single-mode optical wave guide.
The successful applicant will work in close interaction with the team at TLS and IOF on various task such as:
- the concept evaluation of various subsystems (modelling and experiments)
- the preparation of experiments and bread-board setups in the lab and for real
telescopes - the correction mechanism for atmospheric differential refraction
- the optimal wavefront sensing strategy
We expect the candidate to present his work at conferences and to publish in scientific journals.
The full job ad as PDF can be downloaded here.
Research Associate in Radio Astronomy
The TLS offers a research associate position in radio astronomy. The position is intended to strengthen TLS research in the fields of interstellar medium physics, galaxy evolution, cluster physics, radio galaxies or transient objects, and to support TLS's role in the LOFAR European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). Successful candidates will be expected to take advantage of the TLS participation in LOFAR, for example by working with long baseline data from the international LOFAR stations, or by working with MeerKAT data. The research may be carried out in close collaboration with the upcoming large LOFAR programmes. An existing involvement in the analysis of LOFAR, MeerKAT and/or ASKAP data would be advantageous and the establishment of scientific projects involving these facilities would be strongly encouraged.
PhD position in Radio Astronomy
The TLS offers a PhD position in radio astronomy. The position is intended to pursue research on the physics of galaxy clusters, active galactic nuclei, or galactic evolution using large radio surveys. The TLS participates in the LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey, the MeerKLASS project carried out with the MeerKAT radio telescope, and co-leads the Max Planck MeerKAT Galactic Plane Survey. Research relevant to the PhD may range from simulations, semi-analytical studies, and analysis of data from any of the three surveys, depending on the interests of the candidate.
Experte (m/w/d) für Scientific Computing
Die Thüringer Landessternwarte (TLS) ist eine Forschungseinrichtung des Landes Thüringen in der Nähe der Universitätsstadt Jena. Die TLS forscht in einer Vielzahl von Bereichen, die von der Untersuchung der Sonne, extrasolarer Planeten, diffusem magnetisiertem Plasma in Galaxien und Galaxienhaufen bis hin zu Radiogalaxien reichen. Die TLS betreibt das 2m- Alfred-Jensch-Teleskop, beteiligt sich an vielen Instrumentierungsprojekten, betreibt eine internationale Station des Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) und ist maßgeblich an der Analyse der Daten des MeerKAT-Radioteleskops beteiligt.