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Scientific Computing Expert


The Thüringer Landessternwarte (TLS) is a state-owned observatory near the university town of Jena. The TLS conducts research in a wide variety of fields, ranging from studies of the sun, extrasolar planets, diffuse magnetised plasma in galaxies and galaxy clusters, to radio galaxies. The TLS operates the 2m Alfred Jensch telescope, participates in many instrumentation projects, operates an international station of the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) and is heavily involved in the analysis of data from the MeerKAT radio telescope.


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Research Associate in Radio Astronomy


The Thuringian State Observatory (TLS) is a state research facility near the university town of Jena. The TLS conducts research in various fields and deals with a variety of topics such as extrasolar planets, diffuse magnetized plasma in galaxies and galaxy clusters, the evolution of faint extragalactic sources and the variability of quasars. The TLS operates the 2m Alfred Jensch Telescope, participates in many instrumentation projects and operates an international station of the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR).

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